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企 业 名 称:江苏盐城利民农化有限公司

所 属 网 库:盐城农业网库

联 系 人:刘基桃

员 工 人 数:—

公 司 地 址:中国.江苏省.盐城市.盐都区盐城建军中路59号中茵海华广场14#417-418

联 系 电 话:86-0515-88366436

电 子 邮 箱:cnnywz@126.com

公 司 传 真:86-0515-88356231

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:—


    似长江奔腾不息,若巨龙昂首云天。盐城利民农化有限公司以磅礴的气势、勃勃的英姿勇挑中国农化发展的重担,用真诚回报人类社会。 公司创建于1986年,是中国盐城黄隆实业有限公司核心企业,占地10万平方米,现有员工600名,其中技术人员178名,公司拥有雄厚的技术力量、国际一流的检测设备、严格的企业管理制度,并通过了ISO9001:2000国际质量管理体系认证。公司集科研、生产、销售于一体,以绿色环保为标准,市场前景为导向,致力于农药新产品、新剂型、新工艺的研制和开发。主要产品有杀菌剂、杀虫剂、杀螨剂、除草剂、植物生长调节剂等五大系列30多个品种,包括原药、悬浮剂、微乳剂、颗粒剂、水乳剂等各种制剂品种,同时可提供各种农药中间体及精细化工产品,其中三唑杀菌剂农药生产和开发在中国国内占据首位。 公司重质量、讲信誉、求创新、谋发展,推广农化科技,打造国际品牌,提供黄龙牌农化产品。董事长、总经理黄利林先生热忱欢迎社会各界朋友来公司考察交流、洽谈合作。

    With the increasing strength of Chinese economy and the continuing globalization of the world economy,Yancheng Limin Chemical Co., Ltd is playing an aggressive role in the field of its kind supplying new and quality products to the dynamic market. The company was established in 1986, one of the key enterprises of Yancheng Huanglong Industries Co., Ltd. It occupies an area of 100,000m2 and has 600 staff including 178 engineers and technicians. It is known for its strong technological force, the first-class test equipment and modern enterprise management system . It obtained the authentication of quality control system ISO9001:2000. Its integration of research, production and marketing and its principles of respecting the standard of environment protection and making good use of marketing potentials ensures the development of new products, new designs and new production processes of the company. It has over 30 products , classified into 5 series of Fungicides, Insecticides, Herbicides, Acaricides, Plant growth regulators in the technicals and formulations of SC, ME, WDG, SL, SP and etc . Among them, triazole series rank the first in China as to research and development of agricultural pesticides. Also, it supplies all kinds of pesticide intermediates and fine chemicals . The company sticks to quality, credit standing, creation and development and focuses on promoting agricultural chemicals technology, creating world brand and consistently supplying in the Brand of Huanglong pesticides . Lilin Huang, President and General Manager,warm
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