企 业 名 称:丽峰贸易公司
所 属 网 库:安远农业网库
联 系 人:小da先生
员 工 人 数:未知
主 营 产 品:果业耗材 赣南脐橙 公 司 地 址:中国 江西 安远县 ha ha
联 系 电 话:86-0797-3512588
电 子 邮 箱:linganmaoyi@163.com
公 司 传 真:86-0797-3512588
注 册 资 金:未知
经 营 模 式:私营独资企业 ;经销批发
主 营 行 业:柑桔、橙、柚
Orange commonly known as the hold of orange, before liberation from
the United States because of the introduction and said "the U.S.
navel orange", the Shanghai market has been called the "Citigroup
Miju," the Hong Kong market, known as "Tuk pomegranate orange",
Zhejiang area because of their shape as the mother hold - Also
known as the "have-orange."
Top fruit with its umbilical cord, the Health and a secondary
effect, a nuclear-free fruit, Wei Tian, Roucui, Qingxiang, of Java.
For citrus on the Shangpin, Gannan navel orange production in
southern Jiangxi is the navel orange, the navel orange on
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1.发布链接广告我们是不会审核通过的. 2.对公司求职应聘的信息请直接联系公司. 3.请不要发布违反法律和道德底线的文字.
网评:丽峰贸易公司坐落于中国 江西 安远县 ha ha,主营行业是水果。