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企 业 名 称:广州市创茵贸易有限公司

所 属 网 库:广州农业网库

联 系 人:金琼女士

职 位:销售部销售代表

员 工 人 数:未知

主 营 产 品:farmerschoice 液体叶面肥

公 司 地 址:中国 广东 广州市番禺区 旧水坑经济开发区富利电子公司四楼

联 系 电 话:86-020-34885987

邮 政 编 码:511450

移 动 电 话:15876....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-020-34569930

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:有限责任公司 ;经销批发

主 营 行 业:其他生物化工 化肥


    广州市创茵贸易有限公司 位于广东 广州市番禺区,主营 farmerschoice、液体叶面肥 等。公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。欢迎惠顾! 本公司经营的Farmerschoice液体肥料是由新加坡Farmers Choice 公司研制开发的高浓缩液体肥料。研究结果与检测结果表明,Farmers Choice叶面肥系列产品无毒、无害、无污染,对环境友好,使农作物生长迅速、粗壮、叶片油绿宽厚,加强农作物抗病虫害、抗旱、抗寒等抗逆能力,缩短农作物的生长周期,从而促进农作物发挥其最大的生产潜能而获得高产、增收。 THE DIFFERENCE FarmersChoice is environmentally friendly, only containing the required minerals vital to plants and nothing that would cause harm to earth. As application is done directly on the plant or bark, the tendency of excess fertilization is eliminated. In the long run, it’s save farmers money as it is one of the cheapest types of fertilizer that allows massive dilution for large quantities from a small concentrate, producing excellent results. THE USAGE FarmersChoice can be used as a regular plant fertilizer as it has been tested successfully on a wide variety of plants and conditions. There are also specially formulated fertilizers available that can specifically benefit the growing of flowers, fruits & vegetables, and so on. Flowers: amino acid, L-Arg, enables plants to naturally produce more and larger blooms with longer lasting cuttings. Fruits: amino acid, L-AL, enables fruit trees to naturally bear more, larger and sweeter fruits. Paddy, Rice or Corn: amino acid, L-Php, enables plants to yield higher and faster produce; including longer rice grains. Results in higher tonnage per acre.
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